Autism and Autistic Spectrum
This disease is characterized by the presentation of disorders associated with communication, socializing, and repetitive movements.
Multiple causes can generate it, like genetic diseases, as well as effects on brain formation or developmental problems. Other frequent causes are acquired lesions as a result of:
- Brain inflammation
- Hypoxia and perinatal ischemia (deficient oxygen and blood circulation).
- Head trauma.
- Toxicity for exposure and / or contact to different contaminants.
- Viral or bacterial brain infections.
- Others.
Neurophysiological testing and coherence analyses have shown their usefulness in the detection of the compromised regions and reduction of the deficient neuron type.
In the coherence analysis performed to a group of autistic patients, the results show neurophysiological disorders that are equal – or very similar – to those seen in young adult schizophrenic patients. This disorder appears in a generalized way and is interpreted as a deficit of GABAergic neurons in the cerebral cortex.
The above helps to better understand what happens in autistic brains and to plan better care that facilitate their functional recovery.

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